IssueImageAnalysis in Dmi web | 02 Apr 2008 - 19:19 - r38 | EstherWeltevrede |
Issue Animals Research With climate change, animals become endangered. Global warming as well as global cooling threatens the habitat of species, as animals migr...
Tags: delicious related tags, google image scraper, google news scraper, google scraper, issue animals, issuecrawler, pagerank, source distance, tag cloud generator, technorati scraper
SourceDistanceExerciseGroup4 in Dmi web | 31 Aug 2007 - 12:04 - r10 | ErikBorra |
See here for the initial case study Case Study 2: Walmart and the Environment This case study would have the same methodology, but clearer controversy / division...
Tags: delicious related tags, google scraper, hyperlink, technorati scraper
CaseStudy1 in Dmi web | 31 Aug 2007 - 09:46 - r2 | ErikBorra |
Case Study 1: Solar Energy Topic Solar energy Solar panels. Distinction between *worldwide*/USA/Netherlands (zonnepanelen) Is there a debate about solar panels? T...
Tags: delicious related tags, google scraper
SourceDistanceExerciseGroup1 in Dmi web | 31 Aug 2007 - 12:03 - r9 | ErikBorra |
Group 1 Team * Erik, Carolien, Marijn Steps * Issue Discovery * query related tags for tag related to global warming * query globa...
Tags: delicious related tags, google news scraper, google scraper, pagerank, technorati scraper