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Research Protocols pertaining to Geographical

Having a (country)ball - Geopolitics on Instagram and Facebook
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Countryball is a meme that appeared on the in 2009 and has since spread and become a global meme. The meme depicts flags of different countries turned into balls. The meme was ...
Blog analysis
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Create resonance graphs of blog actors
Dynamic URL Sampling
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Increase the size of the sample of sites to be checked for censorship.
Having a (country)ball - Geopolitics on Instagram and Facebook
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Countryball is a meme that appeared on the in 2009 and has since spread and become a global meme. The meme depicts flags of different countries turned into balls. The meme was ...
Information Hierarchy Research (new media style)
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Source ranking research (aka source distance). How far from the top of search engine returns is a particular site for a certain query?
Redistributed Content Discovery
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Which blocked sites have their content available on unblocked sites?
Surfer Rerouting
Instructions & Scenarios of Use
Circumnavigating censorship. Which blocked sites have 'related' content available on unblocked sites?
Topic revision: r2 - 04 Mar 2009, ErikBorra
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