Geo IP

Translates URLs or IP addresses into geographical locations

%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%


Enter URLs and the tool finds its primary IP address. This tool then uses Maxmind's GeoCity Lite database to resolve the IP address to a geo-location.

Output: a table with the following columns
  • URL (when a URL was entered)
  • host of the url (when a URL was entered)
  • IP (first IP discovered by unix command 'host -i hostoftheurl ')
  • city
  • country
  • country code
  • latitude
  • longitude


%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"" glue="off"}%

Sample project

Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolGeoIPSampleProject


Topic revision: r5 - 07 Nov 2012, RichardRogers
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