Github scraper

Scrape Github for user interactions and user to repository relations
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To use this tool you'll need to create a personal Github account and enter your user name and a
personal access token in the respective fields of this tool.
The tool take a list of Github usernames as input. It expects a single username on every line.
The tool outputs a larger list of usernames than its input list, because it will produce all users being followed by any input user and all users following any of the input users.
The different output formats can be accessed through the upper menu. The CSV file contains all extracted data. The two .gexf output formats can be opened using Gephi.
Gephi will recognize two distinct node types: user and repo. Gephi will also recognize three distinct edge types: watching, collaborating and starred. Use the Gephi filter functions to work on a subset of your data.
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Sample project
Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolGithubScraperSampleProject
Tool Github Contributors ScraperScrape Github to find the usernames contributing source code to a repository, and the ammount of contributions they have made.The scraper identifies the 500 most ...
Tool Github OrgsMain.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Tool Github Repos MetaMain.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Tool Github User MetaMain.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008