You are here: Foswiki>Dmi Web>ToolDatabase>ToolSurferIssuePaths (15 Feb 2011, KoenMartens)Edit Attach

Surfer Issue Pathways

Building upon Alexa's related sites feature, this tool determines which sites are likely to be in the actual surfer paths of other sites related to the same issue.

%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%


This script fetches related links from Alexa for a url or a set of urls. Alexa related urls are 'what people also visit when visiting a particular site' and in essence tells you what the surfer/public thinks is related. There are two options:
  • Entering a URL in the top box retrieves the related URLs from Alexa. For each related link found for the starturl, its related urls are retrieved. After this it is calculated how many times a url is mentioned in all urls gathered so far; thus calculating the indegree for a url (triangulation).
  • When a set of URLs are entered in the bottom box, for each url the related pages will be fetched from alexa. There will be a triangulation between those related pages, thus calculating the indegree of those related pages.

Note: Sometimes a related url is actually a deep link. However, the rank always seems the same as the host.


%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"" glue="off"}%

Sample project

Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolSurferIssuePathsSampleProject


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Topic revision: r3 - 15 Feb 2011, KoenMartens
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