
Enter two or more lists of URLs or other items to discover commonalities among them. Possible visualizations include a Venn Diagram.
%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%
1. Input two or more list of URLs or other named entities (one per line).
2. Select detailed analysis for showing which items appear on which lists. The default, basic analysis shows which entities the lists have in common, without the specification of which lists have which entities in common.
Note: The basic analysis also displays a visualization. The first one shows columns retaining the order of the lists inputted, the second reorders each column by frequency. Colors depict in how many of the compared lists a particular result is in.
%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%
Sample project
Triangulation is a useful tool for simple analysis such as cleaning up duplicate items in a list. The tool can also be used as part of a larger project such as cross spherical analysis. Here the tool is used to analyse and output shared and specific items per list(s). One possible visual output is a venn diagram, which requires an extra step in Illustrator. In the sample project
Indexing Issues for the Blogosphere three tag clouds are analyzed for shared and specific urls.

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