Wikipedia History Flow Companion

This script allows you to specify a range of Wikipedia revisions for use with the History Flow visualization.
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*Note: History Flow is an old, deprecated tool and it is not trivial to get it running nowadays. This tool is provided as a historical artefact and no longer actively maintained.*
The tools chops Wikipedia edit histories in chronological chunks of 100 edits. The tool will provide links to those chunks, which can then be used in
History Flow.
Here's how to use the tool:
- Input a Wikipedia URL and click submit
- Wait until the chronologically ordered table with 'History Flow export links' is returned. Each link represents a chunk of 100 edits.
- Open History Flow, go to file > MediaWiki article. You will be presented with two input fields: "Export URL" and "Article Title". In the former you fill in one of the "history flow export links" from the table just obtained. In the latter you can fill in the Article's title. Click ok.
- Repeat the last step for each chunk of edit history you are interested in.
More information on how to install and use History Flow can be found at our
History Flow How To
This script unfortunately does not work on all language versions of Wikipedia.
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Sample project
Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolWikipediaHistoryFlowCompanionSampleProject
History Flow How ToHistory Flow Introduction "History flow is a tool for visualizing dynamic, evolving documents and the interactions of multiple collaborating authors. In its curr...