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DMI Tools pertaining to Information Visualization

Amazon Related Product Graph
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This command-line Python script allows you to enter a (set of) ASIN(s) and crawl its recommendations up til a user-specified depth.
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Interactively capture and inspect third-party trackers encountered while browsing.
Bubble Lines
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Input tags and values to produce relatively sized bubbles. Output is an svg.
Colors For Data Scientists
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Generate and refine palettes of optimally distinct colors. (by Médialab Sciences-Po)
Googlescraper (Search Engine Scraper)
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Batch queries Google. Query the resonance of a particular term, or a series of terms, in a set of Websites.
Issue Dramaturg
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Enter up to 3 URLs as well as a key word. The Issuedramaturg queries Google for the key word, and shows the Pageranks of the URLs over time. The output is a graph of the Pagerank of the URLs...
Issue Geographer
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Geo-locates the organizations on an Issue Crawler map, using whois information, and visualizes the organizations' registered locations on a geographical map.
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Enter URLs and the Issue Crawler performs co-link analysis in one, two or three iterations, and outputs a cluster graph. The Issue Crawler also has modules for snowball crawling (up to 3 deg...
Lippmannian Device
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The Lippmannian device is named Walter Lippmann, and provides a coarse means of showing actor partisanship.
Lippmannian Device To Gephi
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This tool allows one to visualize the output of the Lippmannian device as a network with Gephi.
Raw Text to Tag Cloud Engine
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Takes raw text, counts the words and returns an ordered, unordered or alphabetically ordered tagcloud.
Screenshot generator
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Produce screenshots for a list of URLs
Table to Net
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Extract a network from a table. Set a column for nodes and a column for edges. It deals with multiple items per cell. (by Médialab Sciences-Po)
Tag Cloud Combinator
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Enter two or more tag clouds and the values of each tag will be summed.
Tag Cloud Generator
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Input tags and values to produce a tag cloud. Output is in SVG.
Tag Cloud To Wordle
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This tool allows one to transform a normal tag cloud into a fancy Wordle one.
Wikipedia Cross-Lingual Image Analysis
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Makes the images of all language versions of a Wikipedia article comparable.
Wikipedia History Flow Companion
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This script allows you to specify a range of Wikipedia revisions for use with the History Flow visualization.
Wikipedia TOC Scraper
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Scrape Table of Contents for revisions of a wikipedia page and explore the results by moving a slider to browse across chronologically ordered TOCs.
Topic revision: r15 - 15 Jul 2020, AnneHelmond
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