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DMI Tools pertaining to The Domain

Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Interactively capture and inspect third-party trackers encountered while browsing.
Geo IP
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Translates URLs or IP addresses into geographical locations
Internet Archive Wayback Machine Link Ripper
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Scrapes links from the Wayback Machine
Lippmannian Device
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
The Lippmannian device is named Walter Lippmann, and provides a coarse means of showing actor partisanship.
Lippmannian Device To Gephi
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
This tool allows one to visualize the output of the Lippmannian device as a network with Gephi.
Search Engine Scraper
Tracker Tracker
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
DMI App Tracker Tracker is a tool to detect in a set of URLs predefined fingerprints of known web tracking technologies.
Topic revision: r15 - 15 Jul 2020, AnneHelmond
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